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Metal Break

Posted : Monday, June 7, 2010

Metal Break Machine

What is Metal Brake? Metal brake is a machine used for bending sheet metal. There are two kinds of metal engine brake, the engine of the first kind, i.e. a cornice brake is only used to make a simple curve, the second type of engine brake can bend the metal plate become a box, and there are also machines that could form the metal brake like pot . Machines of this type can also be referred to as a bending machine or bending brake.

This brake consists of a flat surface with a material that will be in bending thereon. To begin to bend, a clamping bar will push the material down to the flex holder. Work of this emphasis can use automated means or can also use the pedal pressure trodden by our feet, aided by the spring. The front looks like a gate, with a given hinge plate and can be lifted, this will hit the front plate material that will bend to follow the direction of plate movement, until there is bending process.

Bending machine, usually able to create a flex until it reaches about 120 degrees angle, and in some cases, be forced to make flex beyond 120 degrees, for example in the manufacture of the folder bar. The trick is to insert a bending under the bar clamps and then lowered it, especially if the area to be bent quite narrow.

Some parts of the Metal Break machine:

Brake cornice, a cornice brake bar clamp having a hard and dense, and the width of the machine, so can only make a straight arch. While the box-and-Pan Brake, clamping bar includes several blocks that can be released, which can be adapted to bend the appropriate circuitry is cool. After bending process is completed, then the box or pan or flex will be equipped with screw, solder, welding, rivets, or the finishing process to become a form that can be used according to his purpose.

Bar Folder, this is a simple brake, is usually much smaller than the cornice or box-and-pan brake. With a strong clamp that can handle two things at once in a bending, in a single move, but bending the tire is usually less in the folder, not like that can be made by a cornice or box-and-. While the press brake is a device that will form a curve which is determined by clamping the work piece that fits between the punch and die.

To measure the brake, available in two sizes, namely the size of the light, which usually used to bend the soft metal such as aluminum or brass, which is to create a small box and brakes of this type, can be operated by hand, the second type is the type that usually heavy braking used for industry, which is driven by hydraulic, for this type of brake can used to bend large steel sheets and thick.

For a complete process for making metal bending, I saw a picture on a forum which I think is fairly complete, you can see it here:

Source: Metal brake wiki


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